Monday, June 1, 2009

out of the mouths of babes

I was wandering(wondering) around the house this morning, and was distracted by a phone call encouraging/pressuring me to attend vbs tonight with the children in spite of my kidney infection and temp of 99.9. I was having a hard time just being out of bed.

I mean no problem , how many people do they expect to drive 1 hour round trip, and then stay up 3 more hours, but i didn't have to do anything, oh except sit in the kitchen chase me 2 toddlers and try not to collapse. A hamburger dinner was included, so i wouldn't have to cook, and that made it all ok.

I must confess, I was very irritated, by the whole conversation, and even though they mean well, not walking in my shoes, and expecting that out of me is really unfair, and unrealistic.

The next conversation involved just telling my husband to do it...i don't know, but i don't "tell" my husband to do anything, i will ask him to do things, but the key to success, is knowing when to ask him, and when to leave him alone, and as he had struggled with putting the new, lock and handle and things on the door for hours, and everything had gone wrong, it seemed like the wrong time in my judgement to ask him anything,and i live with him...

While i was wandering/wondering, i lost my cup of coffee, and couldn't find it anywhere. I finally asked the children to help me look for it...I was searching and muttering under my breath that my coffee cup was probably with my mind, and Sean Patrick looked up at me and said, Mama, have you lost your mind too?

Yep, its going to be one of those days, my six year old knows, i have lost my mind and my coffee cup....we finally found my coffee cup in the laundry room, my mind has yet to check in!!!!!


momoflots said...

You are so funny!! I loose my coffee all the time!! Like I said before - church - wonderful place that it is - often puts undue pressure on Moms!!! I also don't tell Wayne what to do!! Honestly, does anyone really think its a good idea to tell someone you want to live with for a long time what to do?!!! Plus you hubby is just getting over something pretty nasty too!!! Well, when all is said and done I bet most Moms feel the need to be admitted to The Home for the Bewildered - I know I often do!!!

Kimberly said...

The disrespect of those comments puzzle me...Granny in her infinite wisdom said tell the church ladies to go hang...which one is going to come out and take care of the children????

I am ready to pack my bags and head to the home for the bewildered, do they have snack time and naps???