Wednesday, April 29, 2009

how do you spell miracle

I knew even after the devastating loss of Luke, I wanted to have another baby, I also knew it would take time to heal. It was a very difficult spring and summer, i was unusually quiet. One Sunday morning, Sept 15, 2002 on the feast day of our Lady of Sorrows, we arrived early to put flowers on Lukes' grave and on the altar at church. I felt very ill at church, and passed out in the parking lot. Friends drove us home, and that's how my roller coaster ride began. I spent the first 3 months on and off bed-rest. They let me up, but on limited activity after i lost Seans' twin brother.

I took progesterone injections 3 times a week until my 7th month, and just when we thought things were calming down, i had the most horrendous attack of pain in my life, I thought i was dying, and passed out from the pain. Ben found me, and off we went to my Drs' office. In 5 minutes the Dr. had diagnosed the pain and nausea I had been suffering from for months. My regular Dr. attributed the pain to grief, not severe gall-bladder disease.

I can't do anything half-way, and since i had just entered my 7th month, they would have to remove my gall-bladder with a full abdominal incision, which would send me into premature labor, blah, blah, blah.

I was hospitalized with severe dehydration, premature labor, and too much protein in my urine the end of March. The Dr. intended to deliver after May 5, which was 4 weeks early, my due date was May 28. I was frightened and lonely, and very far away from home. I saw the other children only twice during this ordeal. Ben would drive up on his days off and stay at the hospital with me. Phone calls from family and friends, visits from the chaplain staff worked to keep my spirits up.

By the end of April, I was in such bad shape, my Dr. decided to send me to labor and delivery, she said my life was at risk, and i needed to deliver. I argued, cried, begged, I was terrified if something went wrong, it would be my fault. A very kind nurse, reminded me I was in the best hospital in the state, with one of the best NICU in the country, and my Dr., she was the absolute best. I gave in. As I was already in labor, they gave me my epidural, and let me rest, then the crazy nurse wouldn't leave me alone, turning me this way and that way...She did everything but stand me on my head... A few minutes later, my Dr, and her partner were in my room explaining the baby was in distress, and we were headed to the OR now...

Sean Patrick Charles was born just a few minutes later, he spent 3 days in the Nicu, but made a full recovery. I had my gallbladder removed 2 days later, and we came home from the hospital when Sean was 9 days old. I was in bad shape for a while there. My older children took turns taking care of us until school let out. Nicole who was only 7 bathed, and rocked, changed diapers and would whisper to her baby brother, I'm your other mother.

No one would ever know my wild child had such a rocky start in this world. He is full of energy, and attacks the world at full speed. He is exceptionally smart, extremely stubborn, and is not sure he needs to take no for an answer. My parents said it is my own fault. I gave him a full blown irish name, for my full blown irish heritage. Kyle picked his first name, we were undecided for quite a while, and Kyle said what about Sean. I thought we might as well make my Mom and Dad happy with Patrick for my Mom Patti and Charles for my Dad.

We are having a family party for Sean and he wants a rock band to play, so all the big ones agreed to play and sing for him, so he can have a real band play for his party. I have a million things to do tomorrow including making a cake that looks like BatMan. Thank Goodness Ben is going to buy the pizzas' that will save me and Kyle a lot of extra work.

Happy 6th Birthday, Sean Patrick Charles, you have brought such joy to my life, i love you


momoflots said...

Happy Birthday Sean!!! So you make cakes to order too!! My little guy turns four on Saturday and he also wants a batman cake - Hmmm black frosting - sounds yummy!!! (not!) What a time you had having this little boy!!! God sure was with with you during that time!!! Have fun with the rock band birthday!!