Friday, April 24, 2009

be still

I spent all of last week in a whirlwind. Rushing around, getting things ready for prom, and trying to keep up with all my household duties shorthanded. Sunday morning when i got out of bed, I could barely walk, standing was painful, and my entire body hurt. I know the weather contributed to my pain, but i just don't seem to be able to follow Dr.s orders.

My rheumatologist has little idea what my days are like. When they asked me just what do you do, it irritated me, and i almost told them, i sit on my behind, eat bonbons, and wrangle cats and unruly chickens. If you don't have a large family, you really can't relate to all the work that has to be done.

I have for the most part ignored the part about slowing down and resting everyday. Ben is insisting i delegate more, and work less. This weekend, I am going to finally to finish each childs individual chore chart. I have a master list, that i work from, but maybe if they see it in black and white it will help keep them on track.

Sunday , while i was praying a scripture popped into my head. I thought about it all day. I think i need to listen to these little bits of wisdom, i know i am doing too much, and i have been trying to reconcile, honoring the sabbath, by not doing regular housework, and honoring my husband who works thursday-sunday and likes coming home sunday night to a house that is very clean. it is his Friday night, and he wants to come in and relax, with no clutter, floors swept, kitchen clean, no laundry visible...I am not really sure what to do about this, it really helps to ban the children and there things from my bedroom, and keeping it a haven for us. I am not sure how to keep the house ready for him Sun. Evening without working all Sunday afternoon. The childrens 3 day weekends really have taken a toll by then.

I guess i will continue to pray about it, and ask Granny what she think, she is awfully smart...oh and that scripture God sent my way this week...Psalm 46-10 Be still and know I am God.


momoflots said...

I know - it is hard to know how much to keep doing - clean house/spend time with kids etc.! I'm needing to get back into the chore chart thing too! I did find a web site (DLTK Kids) in the printables section you can print chore charts with the chores for each kid and a picture of whatever it is they like - even cartoon characters. It's nice for them and it's FREE!!

So sorry about Ashley's hip. What a hard thing for a young person!! Do you know why her hip bone became so sick? And does it spread? I have a wonderful friend that struggles with Lupis so I know how difficult immune system illnesses can be!! I will pray for your good health - Mama's need so much energy to function!

It sounds like God brought Tiffany to your family - sounds like she needs a good mama to love on her a bit! Doesn't it just break your heart when you see kids who just need loved and you know they aren't getting it from their own mama's and daddy's?!! Hope your weekend is wonderful.
