Thursday, October 15, 2009


We are in the trenches with the flu battle. Ashley has had a terrible time , but she got up today for the first time in days, she was out of bed. Connor is showing signs of improvement. Jonathan and Sean Patrick are feeling so much better i have been tempted to lasso them, and tie them to a chair. Between the fighting, and running laps through the house, i am completely mental.

The flu got Ben yesterday, and he insisted he had never had the flu in his life, i told him, there is always a first time...

Kyle is on fall break as are the children, and he picked up Nicole and Christian who aren't sick and took them to Timmis'. The tami-flu seems to have helped as 4 of us have not come down with it.

To be frank, i would rather deal with 9 sick children, than 1 sick husband....and so, we pray for healing, and patience, and probably forgiveness for all the things we have thought in the past week, even if we didn't actually say them.


momoflots said...

Oh dear - I guess you are getting it out of the way early this year!! I agree - sick husbands are pretty stinkery!!! And like you my thoughts are not always very charitable and I almost always end up saying something along the lines of "It's a good thing God didn't make it so men are the ones to carry and birth babies - the human race would have never survived!" Usually not with the nicest tone of voice!! I hope you will be done with it all soon!! We are all on the mend from colds!