Friday, October 23, 2009

no rest for the weary

It is only 11:00 here, and i am ready for bed. It is so cold and windy, i had to turn the heater on. Alexandra has been going at full speed since Connor woke her at 6:30, that in my book is a major offense.

My kidney infection hasn't cleared, and i know i am running a fever,but an annonymous boy broke my digital thermometer, and the old mercury one said my temp. was 106??? I know that is wrong....I am going to get a stack of books, and see if i can convince my daughter to sit at read them with me...

Heres dreaming of socks, warm sweats, feather pillows, and my comforter....the reality will be somewhat different....At least Ashley is supposed to bring us lunch from the little store...maybe she'll bring chocolate


momoflots said...

Oh dear!! What I would give to live nearby - I would take the baby for the day and give you some time to rest!!