Saturday, July 4, 2009

Independence Day

Happy 4th of July!!!
I just love this Holiday. I have no gifts to buy or wrap, the food is simple and good. It is a low key, low stress, just enjoy it, kind of day.

The best thing about this Holiday is the big bash held at my friends Mr. and Mrs. M. The hottest ticket around is an invitation to their blow-out. We make some side-dishes, a few desserts, fill an ice chest full of drinks, and load the kids (every child in 3 counties) and head to the Lake.

We usually have 15 to 20 people with us. They have a live band and an enormous fire-work display. They live in a house over-looking the Lake, and it is so much fun. Good food, good friends, always equals great fun.

I just want to remember all those who made our Independence possible. The nameless heroes, who fought and bled, and died for us, and continue to do so today. I feel a great swelling of pride when i see our flag flying, or hear the national anthem played, today it is so much sweeter.

Happy Birthday America, I Love You...long may you wave...


momoflots said...

Happy Independence Day!!!Yep, one of my favorite holidays too!!! The kids are roasting marshmallows right now waiting for it to get dark so we can light things on fire (teenage boy heaven!!!) (I'm sitting here nursing baby girl). When is your camping trip - or did you go already?