Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ashley and Kyle

Today was a beautiful day for our family. Ashley and Kyle received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Archbishop Eusebius Beltran. There were 13 in their class. Quite a large number for our little country parish.

Kyle chose St. Jude as his patron and Ashley chose St. Cecelia. It was a very proud moment to watch my children approach the Archbishop, tell him the names they selected for themselves, and ask the church for Confirmation.

Everyone was there. Ben worked from 2:00a.m. to 10:00a.m. in order to be there. Andrew worked the night shift, caught a nap,and stood up for his brother as sponsor. I stood in the back of the church with Alexandra and Christian. She is still teething, and with the cold and ear infection she is almost unbearable. Thank God for one of the women at church who came and took both my fussy babies to the hall so I could watch my 2 big babies ask for adulthood in the church.

There was a huge potluck afterwards, and true to my dear friend Carols' memory I ate my dessert first.

Thank you Lord, for bringing my children to a greater understanding and appreciation of our faith. I am proud that they have studied so hard to reach this milestone, and I thank you for loving them. A grateful Mama.


Renee said...

Congratulations to you and your family. A true milestone, and an Abundance of Grace poured out.


momoflots said...

Congratulations! What a blessed moment for Mama to watch her children make the commitment we so earnestly pray for!!!