Friday, November 13, 2009

in here, i'm hiding

It has been a very hectic day, my clock says 12:09, my body says bedtime...It started out okay,but i should rephrase that, because at my house normal is not normal.

Christian got up and went to the bathroom, i stripped my bed, then Alexandra went in the bathroom, then Christian yelled help Mom, the toliet is spitting water at i don't know about you, but i get totally freaked out if the toliet is behaving like a volcano. With fear and trembling i peeked into the bathroom and sure enough the toliet gods were angry, very angry...there was enough toliet paper to sink a small ship and water everywhere, i mean everywhere...

I stuck the screaming babies in the shower, turned off the water, ran to the other bathroom to retrieve the dirty towels i had already hauled to the laundry room to try to stop the flood. 20 minutes later the mess is cleaned up, the towels are in the washing machine, i strip the flood ravaged children, and we all get in the shower...

Then Christian asks why do you shave your legs, you don't have a beard on them, i think thats' probably is weird, i never really thought about it, it is just something girls do.

Ben finally got my frantic phone message, and proceeded to speak to me in tongues...plumber talk, it went something like this...take the top off the overflow, if nothing happens then this is wrong, if something happens then this is wrong, and if something else happens then it is something else altogether....are you kidding me, i just cleaned all that up showered 2 children and got out of the shower myself, i am not angering the toliet god and risking the water volcano again....he said or, you can wait til i get home, and i will figure it out...option 2 it is.....

I thought things had calmed down, and Christian wanted breakfast again, and i didn't care if they ate cereal again, so we did. My first mistake was thinking we would play nice, and then maybe do a few chores, eat something we could call lunch and take a nap...I switched the laundry and asked Christian where the baby was? In there, I look in the dining room, no baby, i start calling her, she says in here mama, i look in her room, under her crib, under the iron bed, i call her again, she says in here mama, i look in the closet, under the kitchen table, in the pantry , no baby, i call her again, i can't find you, where are you? in here mama, i'm hiding...then it dawns on me, her voice is coming through the open dining room window and not the house. She was on the front porch hiding in her favorite spot, sitting on the fresh hay, in the puppies barrel...

I asked Christian why he unlocked the storm door, and he said the little puppies wanted in, and Alla wanted out. I reminded him, I keep the storm door locked so Alla can't get out...I breathed a sigh of relief, my baby thought we were playing hide and go seek...

I so need a nap after if the toliet will just behave until Benjamin comes home....


momoflots said...

Sigh... these things never end do they?!! I think God had Dr. Pepper and Chocolate invented for Moms!!!!