Thursday, October 23, 2008


I have given a lot of thought and prayer to the upcoming presidential election, and I have decided to support the McCain/Palin ticket. I am not a political person, but I do follow politics,and believe every citizen has an obligation to vote.

There are several issues, that weigh upon my mind. The economy, national security issues, the iraq war, gas prices, to name but a few things. In the end, it all comes down to one thing,life.

Choose life, the bible tells us, whatsoever, you do to the least of my people, so you do unto me. As the mother of 9 living children, and with 3 little lost ones waiting for me in heaven, life is so precious to me. I think every life has value and meaning.

Who are we to determine who will live or die, and whose life has meaning. Does anyone other than God have the right or ability to make a judgement on life. Does your life have value? Does mine? As I sit here in the middle of the night typing with one hand, and nursing my 10 month old daughter, I am struck once again with the wonder and beauty of her fragile life.

She is completely dependent on me, and the choices Imake for her care. Who decides her value and worth, the world , ajudge?

As for me, Ican only say she is priceless.