Friday, April 23, 2010

pain is a 4 letter word

I have been battling a kidney infection for a while now, and not getting any relief from the anti-biotics. I guess, that the stress has caused my auto-immiune yuck to misbehave.

I am having a hard time just getting out of bed, i can't seem to shake this, and it is so hard to do anything.

The children are all home today, and while I appreciate the help with the little ones, frankly, all the children are home is so crazy here on Fridays, and they only have 3 weeks left of school.

I am on 4 nights of very little sleep, this time it is Kyles' fault. He came to see us last night, and forgot to take his weenie dog, Otto home...Otto is a high strung dog, he chases everthing...he barks if the wind blows...he barked all night long, chasing my cats through the house...he set off all the other dogs, which joined in on the fun, all night long!!!!!!

I told Kyle he was no marine, because you never leave a man behind...I just wish he would come get his dog.

I completely lost my train of thought, because the 2 boys, that are supposed to be doing their chores before leaving for a birthday party are mia...and said boys will not be going if they do not get done, and doing something halfways or wrong doesn't count for anything...

Yes, I am a little irritable, but sick and stressed is not the best combination, especially when i find the boys playing VIDEO GAMES ARGGHH!!!!!!

No wonder I am so crazy, my children practically guarantee it...