Thursday, January 14, 2010

oh dreaded water problems

My neighbor Steph called to give me the latest water update, the scope of the water problem is so great that the Seminole Nation cannot handle it. The Chickasaws are hauling water in for us. After school, Ashley gets to go the the fire station and bring home drinking water and toliet flushing water.

Tonight from 7:00- 10:00, they will be turning the water back on. We are supposed to shut everything off, and check our meters for movement. If we have a leak, we need to contact the command station at the fire department, which will send warm bodies out tomorrow to look for a leak.

This is so much fun, i don't know. It really makes me feel for the people around the world who deal on a daily basis with the struggle for clean water. I know this is an inconvenience, that will be fixed eventually. For some of our brothers and sisters, this is their day to day reality.

Lord, help me to be grateful for what i have, and to be aware, of others who suffer daily. Give me compassion and love for these people, and give me my water back soon. Amen...


Unknown said...

Just came across your blog over on momoflots. I will be back to read more. I love reading other large family blogs. So much to learn.

momoflots said...

Boy I hope the water problem gets fixed quickly!!! How is your husband?