Thursday, August 19, 2010

feast of the assumption

Sunday was the feast of the assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary..It was a beautiful mass attended by almost the entire family..almost...

It was the occasion of Sean Patricks' First Holy Communion..I must admit, that as the Mom of many life sometimes just seems so routine..been there, done that..but, this morning, as i knelt beside my young son, who had just received the precious gift of our Lord, and prayed for him,i cried tears of joy..

Thank you Lord, for the gift of self you continue to give us, and the gift of my dear wild this quiet moment in your presence, we were one..

Thank you for the gift of the moment, and the realisation that in the familiar, there is still a newness we can only find in you..

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Today was the first day of school, and i am glad things went so well for everyone, even if the crazy coach thinks 107 degree weather is suitable for practicing softball, while he sat his happy ass in the shade...

I know someone who is getting a phone call in the morning...other than that, singing, dancing and cartwheels are in order...

Ashley moves into the dorms on saturday, and starts classes on life will have a new normal..